Skin Input

I found this video about the new technology that enables humans to use their bodies as 'touch-screens'. I am completely amazed at this. I think that this relates to what we were talking about in class yesterday about technology advancing and how one day technology could be 'inside you'. Also, this supports Gandhi's idea that humans can touch a button and have whatever they want!


Iphone4.0 causes controversy

Recently, an apple employee left his new Iphone4.0 at a bar and someone found it. Now, Apple is looking at firing the worker because of his breaking of the code of silence surrounding the companies unreleased products.  This shows what technology has become to. Not only have people been inventing amazing products that will make our lives easier, but the world of technology has been becoming competitive. People want to invent the best possible item for fame and fortune and are willing to do whatever they can to make sure they can get that done.  Gandhi would probably not like the controversy technology recently has caused society to stress about.


Gabrielle Lyons

Be the change that you want to see

Gandhi's life expressed in 4:19 minutes.... impressive.


once upon a time not long ago / there was a boy who would grow and become a great soul /
he lived in India and his name was Gandhi / he believed in human rights and he felt so strongly/
that he made a vow to train himself / he realized first he’d have to change himself /
so he changed his clothes, and decided to walk / some days he practiced silence and refused to talk/
when he was young he studied to be a lawyer / and then he became a great spiritual warrior /
he read from the scriptures of every religion / came to the realization that we’re all God’s children
because he understood that we’re all equal / he became a spokesman for the people
a karma yogi devoted to service / to spread truth & peace was his purpose /


Be the change that you wanna see in the world, just like Gandhi


Gandhi dedicated his life to the cause / even when it meant breaking unjust laws /
he often faced prison and incarceration / but that only strengthened his determination /
he said he would make every sacrifice / but that he would never kill or take a life /
he used his heart instead of his fist / and he taught nonviolence as a way to resist /
a peaceful soldier who used his mind / to fight for the rights of human kind /
but not just people, animals too / his basic teaching “God is Truth” /
he joined Muslims, Seeks, & Hindus / Christians, Buddhists, Jains, and Jews /
all the many paths that lead into / the light that shines bright inside of me and you /

Be the change that you wanna see in the world, just like Gandhi


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” / and it takes more strength and faith to be kind /
with that in mind Gandhi took a stand / against the foreign occupation of his land /
when things got violent Gandhi would fast / not eating for days until the riots would pass /
but the biggest event that made the british halt / is when Gandhi G decided to harvest salt /
the British empire installed a salt tax / and stealing salt was an unlawful act /
so Gandhi and his peeps, took the streets / ten thousand deep they marched to the beach /
but when they arrived they were beaten with clubs / but they didn’t fight back instead they chose love /
the foreign military realized they were wrong / and eventually decided to go home /
you see Gandhi G was a very great leader / but before all that he was shy and meager /
as a young child he was just like you and me / before he became Mahatma Gandhi /
the word “Mahatma? it means great soul / and its inside of us just waiting to unfold /
if you follow your heart and act real bold / next time it’ll be your story that’s told!


Be the change that you wanna see in the world, just like Gandhi


Tamara Milic


In this video by Daft Punk called Technologic, it shows the many uses of technology by naming what seems like a never ending list of verbs. Ghandi would not have been impressed with the new obsession of "upgrading" and "charging", which are just two verbs out of the song. 
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, Pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

Technologic [4x]

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, close it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

Touch it, scroll it, close it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch, update it.

Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam, unlock it,
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,
Charge it, porn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick rewrite it,

Surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch, update it,
Name it, read it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax, rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start, format it,
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,

Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag it, drop it, zip, unzip it,
Surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch, update it,
Name it, read it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax, rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start, format it

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag it, drop it, zip, unzip it,
Surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch, update it,
Name it, read it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax, rename it.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag it, drop it, zip, unzip it,

Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam, unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch, update it,
Name it, read it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax, rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start, format it

Modern Ag

(from Gil)
i found an article that can attribute to modernization of the united states agriculture. This connects to india's imperalism because the british modernized the salt industry and mining industries opening the country to a state of economy. the over use of the lands by the people have left the soils dead|main|dl1|link3|