Modern Conferences

Because the next two weeks are going to be very busy for me (presenting at ICE and CUE, if you're interested), it's very important that we connect on an individual basis, as I promised at the beginning of the new semester. I have tried to reserve as much time in my schedule to give you help in writing and revising your latest essay. You can also talk to me about whatever else is important to you, in or outside of class.

Please click HERE to sign up for a time slot. Look below to see what has already been taken. I will start putting "Xs" in the slots that others (colleagues, other students) have already taken. My week tends to fill up quickly, so the sooner you do this, the more likely your most convenient time will be reserved. This conference is a requirement of our course this semester.

Hey its reed i solved the mystery hahahaha

NICE JOB, REED! The leader you're referring to is CHARLEMAGNE!
From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:14 PM
To: Bolos, Spiro
Subject: Hey its reed i solved the mystery hahahaha

Mr. B.,
So I was looking at that picture of Napoleon we were looking at in class and my desktop is touch screen so i can zoom with my fingers so I Zoomed right up to the third inscription on the rck and i could only see the tops of the letters so I guessed as to what it said and google searched it and it took me to a page about napoleon himself and it said that word was what was in scripted on the rock the word was karolvs magnvs
so I started researching it and after about an hour I did not turn up anything on it but the last word sounds like magnificent so im guessing based on what we talked about with Napoleon and hannibal i am guessing it is comparing him to a great or magnificent leader.